All Appliance repair service in Johannesburg

Appliance repair services specialize in diagnosing, fixing, and maintaining a wide range of household appliances. These include refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, ovens, stoves, and microwaves. Technicians in this field are skilled in identifying mechanical and electrical problems, replacing faulty parts, and performing general maintenance to extend the life of appliances. They provide on-site repair services, often troubleshooting issues to find the root cause. Their work ensures appliances run efficiently, safely, and reliably. Appliance repair services also offer advice on optimal usage and care, helping customers avoid future breakdowns and prolong the lifespan of their household appliances.

Till Repairs

Brooklyn Appliance Repair

Tricon Painters & Renovators

Electro Appliances Repairs

Mayibuye electronics

Crystal Appliance Repairs Fourways

Laybye Accepted

MVT Appliance Repairs

Ozzie’s Repairs And Services

Brooklyn Appliance Repair

Sony, Sansui, Samsung, Lg Lcd, Plasma Tv Repair


TSP Appliance Repairs

Vuka TV Repairs

Samsung Appliance Repair

Ultimate Appliance Kirby

Cp Appliance Repair

Lead Household Appliances

Mega T.V. Sales & Repairs

House Of Sound

Bergens Fourways Appliance Repairs and Spares

Star Bross


CBM Appliance repair and services

Junior Electrical Appliances

Techno Repair

GreenTech Appliance Repairs

Greenside Appliances

Bergen’s Parkhurst
