Why You Should Consider Air Conditioning Repairs

air conditioning repairs

Whether you are a homeowner with a new or older air conditioning system, you should have your unit maintained on a regular basis. This helps to reduce the risk of breakdowns and other problems that may reduce the life of your system. You can maintain your air conditioning system yourself or you can call a professional. Taking care of your unit can also help to extend its lifespan.

Many air conditioners have built-in sensors that detect abnormal conditions and automatically shut down the system. These sensors may be faulty, which can cause your unit to malfunction. In addition, your air conditioner may have a broken thermostat. If you have an older air conditioner, you may have done a good job of keeping your system up to date and in working order. However, it may still be time for air conditioning repairs.

A professional HVAC technician has the expertise to detect problems with your system. They can also check the thermostat and make sure that it is operating correctly. A technician can also check to see if your air filter is clogged and make recommendations to improve performance. If your air filter is clogged, your system may have a harder time cooling the air. This can lead to increased cooling costs.

A professional AC repair service can resolve problems in a timely manner and give you peace of mind. They can also perform any necessary repairs and maintain your air conditioner. A professional service provider may offer a warranty on parts and labor, so you are protected should anything go wrong. You can also opt for an annual maintenance plan to keep your air conditioning system running efficiently. This can help you avoid the inconvenience of a breakdown during the hottest part of the year.

Generally, air conditioning systems have an average lifespan of about 15 years. If you keep up with your maintenance schedule, you can expect your unit to last for years. Some of the more expensive repairs include cleaning the ductwork and the condenser unit. You should also make sure that your air conditioner filters are clean. This is important to improve indoor air quality and reduce energy bills.

One of the biggest causes of AC service calls is clogged air filters. The filter should be cleaned on a regular basis. If you have an air conditioning system that uses disposable filters, you may want to replace them each month. These filters are relatively inexpensive, costing only a few dollars for a flat filter and about $20 for a pleated filter. However, if you have a more expensive unit, you may want to consider replacing the filters.

Another good reason to have your air conditioning system maintained is to catch problems before they become big problems. Small issues can be addressed by recalibration, but larger problems may require a complete replacement. You can also avoid some problems by ensuring that your heating and cooling systems are properly insulated and that you have blackout curtains on south-facing windows to keep the house cool during the night.

Greg Mabusa
Author: Greg Mabusa

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