Save Money on Catering Equipment Repairs

catering equipment repairs

Keeping your restaurant equipment running smoothly and efficiently is crucial to the success of your business. It can make or break your reputation and customer reviews, causing a huge impact on your bottom line!

Kitchen equipment can be expensive and can easily break down, which is why it is vital for your restaurant to have a maintenance plan in place. By having a plan in place, you can avoid a lot of the issues that cause your restaurant to lose revenue and make sure your equipment is always working properly.

Maintaining your catering equipment is essential if you want to save money on repairs and keep the quality of food and service in your restaurant high. If you have a maintenance plan in place, it will help to reduce the number of breakdowns and repair costs that your restaurant incurs, which will in turn increase productivity and customer satisfaction.

When you choose to have your commercial kitchen equipment regularly serviced by a professional, it will be much less likely to break down and will be more reliable. This will also mean that you will have less to worry about when it comes to repairs and will be able to spend more time on your other aspects of your business.

Preventative maintenance is the practice of repairing and inspecting your equipment to extend its lifespan and prevent it from breaking down. A maintenance contract will ensure that your equipment is regularly checked and cleaned, which will extend its life and reduce the number of breakdowns and repair costs.

The cost of a preventative maintenance contract can be significant, but it can actually work out to be more economical in the long run! By preventing your equipment from breaking down and having to be repaired, you can cut your overall costs by 15-30% annually.

If you are unsure whether you need to get an equipment maintenance plan in place, contact your preferred supplier and ask them to recommend a local company. You can then contact them directly to discuss the options that will best suit your needs and budget.

Another option is to sign up for a maintenance contract that will be available to you at specific times during the year. These contracts can be extremely beneficial for university caterers as they will ensure that your equipment is properly maintained and kept safe.

Regularly lubricating the motors and moving parts of your equipment can reduce the wear and tear on the parts, extending the lifetime of the appliance. This will save you money on repairs and will allow you to use your equipment for a longer period of time, which will also increase your profits.

Getting your hood and vent ducts inspected and cleaned at least once every six months can also be important. This will ensure that your cooking appliances are not overheating and will prevent severe fire incidents in your restaurant.

You should also clean the automatic extinguishing system at least once a month to ensure that there are no clogs and that it is functioning correctly.

Martin Kruger
Author: Martin Kruger